RStudio ( has to be one of the coolest pieces of software I have installed in recent memory.
RStudio provides a very well-planned and well-executed IDE for R. This alone would be a reason to sing Hosanna.
But it gets better!!! The Server package (deb and rpm packages available) allows you access to this same interface via a webserver, so you can run R on a beefy computational server from any web browser. And it seems to work every bit as nicely as the locally installed IDE.
The user accounts are integrated with the linux user accounts, very nice. I even got it to work (after reading this post) in a kerberos situation by overwriting the "rstudio" pam file that the RStudio package provides with the login one. (You might want to back up the rstudio one first).
# cd /etc/pam.d/
# cp login rstudio
Well done and thank you to the folks at the RStudio company.